Mens Vets
Mens Vets

Team info

Men Veterans (35+)

Training is on Monday evenings 8 till 9 pm at TPS. This is a turn up and play session which incurs a fee of £3.
The Veterans are registered in the Farnham league.

Team Officials.
Rafal Jezak - Veterans Management Te...

Mens Vets
Mens Vets
Mens Vets

About the team

Training is on Monday evenings 8 till 9 pm at TPS. This is a turn up and play session which incurs a fee of £3.
The Veterans are registered in the Farnham league.

Team Officials.
Rafal Jezak - Veterans Management Team
David Wands - Veterans Management Team
Ben Haddrell - Veterans Management Team

If you wish to learn more about the Petersfield Town FC Veterans Team please contact either Rafael, David or Ben directly. Contact details can be found in the 'Officials' section below.

Rafal Jezak
Mens Vets Management Team
Rafal Jezak
Ben Haddrell
Mens Vets Management Team
Ben Haddrell
David Wands
Mens Vets Management Team
David Wands